In the several hours I spent with him, I definitely said "I want your eyelashes" many times. Probably too many times. If Hunter were older than 6 months, he would have given me a much more skeptical face than he did. So luckily for me, he was satisfied to show me his dog and where his feet were, and how long a drool string he can make.
Spending a few hours with a family and watching them go about their business of diaper changing, snacking, and chewing on their toys (both babies and dogs!) is always a pleasure, and even more so when they live in a super cool early 1900s bungalow with lots of light and fun details (mail slot!).
Hunter showed off his impressive dance skills and foot-grabbing abilities. Tripper modeled the heck out of his bow tie, although it was mostly obscured by his beautiful curls.
I want to own me-sized versions of everything Hunter is wearing here. Properly bundled, we set out for Tripper's happy place for fetching and pond-jumping (so cold). As soon as the baby fell asleep I'm the jerk who thinks it would be so great if we could get everybody over by the cool bramble bushes. After a few tickles from mom, all was forgiven.