The stuff that really made Istanbul great for me was the stuff I didn't know about until I got there. And that's on top of everything I knew that made me really really want to go there. But the bal kaymak, the ferries, the fresh fruits, the tiny winding streets. Those are the things that I'm still thinking about months later.
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ahhhh Provincetown during the off season. Free to wander Commercial Street juggling a pimento cheese-slathered biscuit and a pitbull with hardly anyone around to bump into.
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Sometimes the pitter pat of little feet is just Ruiz blowing past you trying to get his brother Blue to play. Not to worry Teddy, you'll be going after your feline brothers in no time, this was only your 3 week birthday!
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In the several hours I spent with him, I definitely said "I want your eyelashes" many times. Probably too many times. If Hunter were older than 6 months, he would have given me a much more skeptical face than he did. So luckily for me, he was satisfied to show me his dog and where his feet were, and how long a drool string he can make.
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I spent what seems like a LOT of our vacation asking Dan to pull over so I could photograph horses and other critters that we spotted from the road, so we finally got wise and spent some time touring the lesser traveled roads and old sugar cane haul roads where we could explore at our own pace.
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